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Hairdressers are always going to be in demand. Whilst the rise of DIY hair kits poses a threat, they will never eradicate the need for qualified hairdressers. This means your service is always going to be needed. However, most people have a relatively large selection of hairdressers to choose from in their area, which is why you need to stand out.

We can help your business to be head and shoulders above the competition at Bespoke Accountants. We will devise a unique online accounts solution that is right for your business. We will help you to improve organisation and efficiency, whilst increasing customer loyalty, which is of course vital for any hairdressing business. Strengthen your reputation and increase your profits with Bespoke Accountants.

The benefits of our online accounting solutions for hairdressers

  • Booking and managing appointments – No one wants to wait ages for their hair appointment. With our online system you can manage your appointments effectively to make sure your customers are satisfied. This is essential for creating a loyal consumer base.
  • Payroll – Nothing can disrupt employees' satisfaction more than errors in payroll. Reduce the chance of this happening by handling your payroll electronically.
  • Cash flow forecasting – Staying on top of cash flow is so important in terms of business growth and success. We make sure you keep on the right track by automating bills and expenses to give you a firm grip on your daily finances.
  • Credit control – There is nothing quite as damaging to your business's position than falling behind on your credit. We make sure this doesn't happen with our credit control service.
  • Card payment facilities – Give your customers the option to pay with one of the major credit or debit cards.
  • Budgeting and profit projections – No business can think of today and today alone if they want to maximise their profits in the future. We make sure that you stay ahead of the game.
  • Management reporting with Key Performance Indicators – By measuring the achievement of strategy implementation we can help you to make better management decisions and gain a competitive edge over your competition.