Getting the absolute best from your finance system helps to make everything else in the business run like clockwork. So learning the best tips and hints for using your Xero online accounting to its true potential is a great way to improve your accounting, cut out a big chunk of admin and get a better view of your business health.
And we've made it even easier to learn about the power of Xero and cloud accounting. Take our
Learn Xero in 7 days email course and in one week you'll have all the tips needed to get the maximum from your Xero system.
7 steps to Xero excellence
Our Learn Xero in 7 days training is an incredibly simple way to expand your understanding of the Xero system, and get a real grip on your finances.
You'll get a helpful email each day, giving you the lowdown on one particular element of Xero – and how it helps you to run your business in a more timely, efficient and profitable way.
Be more efficient...
When you make your finance processes more efficient, you waste less time on admin and get back time to focusing on the things that truly matter to the future profitability and success of your business.
You'll learn how to save all your receipts and documents in Xero (cutting down on piles of paperwork) and find out how Xero's automated bank reconciliation and online invoicing help you to streamline your processes and save your precious time.
Tailor your Xero system...
At Bespoke, we know the incredible value of a system that's tailored to fit the exact needs of your business. Customising your Xero system makes it work harder and deliver more – and that's great news for your financial management.
You'll learn how to get to grips with your Chart of Accounts (the list of codes in your accounts) and how customisation of your codes give you better visibility, better tracking and a better view of your business performance.
And find out how to tailor your Xero Dashboard and reporting to show the critical numbers that matter for you and your management team.
Get real control of your finances...
Traditional management accounts don't keep you up to date effectively. They're based on historic numbers that can be weeks, or even months, out of date. So getting a truly real-time view of your numbers really gives you an edge.
You'll learn how Xero's ability to deliver real-time numbers (not historic accounts) gives you supreme control over your financial management and future profitability.
Find out how to measure your important key performance indicators (KPIs) and track your live bank balance to get control of cash flow, budgets, monthly spending and profit targets.
Sign up for your FREE guide to getting more from Xero
Want to improve your financial management and get the absolute best from your Xero online accounting software?
Sign up for our daily Xero training emails and in 7 days you'll see the improvement in your financial effectiveness, the time spent on business admin and the overview you have of your current health as a company.